Education Research Gender, Education and Development - A Partially Annotated and Selective Bibliography

Hinfelaar, Hugo f. (1994)

Bemba-Speaking Women of Zambia
in a Century of Religious Change
Studies of Religion in
Africa, V. 11, Leiden, Brill.

KELLER, B. & mbewe, D. C. (1991)

'Policy and Planning for the
Empowerment of Zambian Women
Farmers' in
Canadian Journal of
Development Studies,
12 (1), 75-88.

LUNGU, g. f. (1989)

'Women and Representative
Bureaucracy in Zambia - The Case of
Gender Balancing in the Civil Service
and Parastatal Organizations' in
Women's Studies International
12 (2), 175-182.

MOORE, Henrietta L & VAUGHAN,
Megan (1994)

Cutting Down Trees: Gender,
Nutrition and Agricultural Change in
Northern Province, Zambia, 1890-
Heinemann, Portsmouth N. H.

mwale, Genevieve & BURNARD, Phillip

Women and AIDS in Rural Africa:
Rural Women's Views of AIDS in
Averbury, Aldershot.

o'reilly, c. & gordon, a. (1995)

Survival Strategies of Poor Women in
Urban Africa: The Case of Zambia,
Natural Resources Institute.

POEWE, Karla O. (1981)

Matrilineal Ideology, Male- Female
Dynamics in Luapula, Zambia,
Academic Press, London.

SCHUSTER, I. m. Glazer (1979)

New Women of Lusaka, Mayfield
Publishing Company, California.

sibalwa, David (1993)

'Women's Contribution towards
National Development in Zambia' in
Convergence, 26 (2), 38-46.

ZARD (1989)

Agenda for the Study of Rural Women
in Zambia: Zard's Presentation at Forum
85, in
International Studies- Notes, 14
(3) 72-76.

Gender and Education

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