Education and development the issues and the evidence - Education Research Paper
No. 06, 1993, 61 p.
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2. An analysis of research
evidence on education and
2.1 Education and economic development
2.2 School achievement, the IEA data and effective schools studies
2.3 Technical and vocational education
2.4 The balance of investment between educational levels
2.5 Private expenditures and cost recovery
2.6 Organisational reforms, assessment and alternative delivery systems
2.7 Literacy
This section extends the analysis of education and development issues to consider
research evidence in seven specific fields. These concern the relationships between
education and economic development; school effectiveness and student achievement;
technical and vocational education; the balance of investment between educational
levels; private educational expenditure and cost recovery programmes; organisational
reforms, assessment practices and alternative delivery strategies; and literacy
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