Table 3 Distribution of land concessions and other rights by sector*
1. Land concessions, 1986—1994 |
Available data |
Reported cases Concessions | |
Central |
Provincial | ||
Agriculture Joint venture |
792,000 |
606,000d |
1,500,000' |
Direct |
92,000 |
N/A | |
Indirect |
2,000,000 |
N/A | |
Hunting' |
597,000 |
N/D |
250,000f |
Mining° |
11,194,000 |
N/D |
1,000,0008 |
Tourism |
N/D |
N/D |
350,000 |
Forestry |
N/D |
N/D |
1,500,00(Y |
Other concessions (unspecified) |
20,000,000' | ||
Subtotal |
34,675,000 |
606,000 |
4,600,000 |
Total land concessions |
39,881,000 | ||
II. State farm sector | |||
(estimated area divested: |
400,000 | ||
III. Existing private agricultural enter- |
500,000 | ||
Total distribution of land rights (ha) |
40,781,000 |
* Government-controlled area does not include RENAMO-administered lands. All data have been
rounded to nearest 1,000. N/A = not applicable; N/D = no data available.
a. Reported in the Boletim (68,000) and by DINAGECA, Maputo (724,000).
b. Ministry of Agriculture.
c. Ministry of Mineral Resources. Three types of licenses are available, including exclusive and
nonexclusive rights.
d. Partial data from selected districts in five provinces.
e. Unconfirmed reported cases; includes estimates for concessions granted at provincial level in Cabo
Delgado, Tete, Zambezia, Sofala, and Niassa.
f. Unconfirmed reported cases.
g. Includes one pending application for 800,000 hectares.
h. One concession has recently been approved by the Ministry of Finances for 20 million hectares
to the religious organization, Heaven on Earth.
i. Includes one reported case of 1 million hectares in Cabo Delgado.