Context-Dependent Thinning 12
fixed order1 until the density of the output vector in fout becomes M/N. Let us recall that bundles of shift
permutive connections are used in algorithmic implementations.
4.4. Subtractive CDT procedure
Let us consider another version of the CDT procedure. Rather than masking z with the straight
disjunction of permuted versions of z, as in additive thinning, let us mask it with the inverse of that
{z} = z ∧ -(∨k zk~) = z ∧ -∨k (Pkz). (4.15)
If we choose K to make the number of 1s in {z} equal to M, then this procedure will satisfy the
requirements of section 3. Therefore the density of superimposed permuted versions of z before
inversion should be 1-1/S (compare to equation 4.13). Thus the number K of permuted vectors to be
superimposed in order to obtain the required density (taking into account "absorption" of 1s) is
determined from:
1-1/S = 1 - (1-pS)K. (4.16)
Then, for pS << 1
K ≈ lnS/(pS). (4.17)
Algorithmic implementations of this subtractive CDT procedure (Kussul, 1988; Kussul &
Baidyk, 1990; Kussul, 1992) are analogous to those presented for the additive CDT procedure in section
4.3.2. A neural-network implementation is shown in Figure 6.
Since the value of lnS/S is approximately the same at S=2,3,4,5 (Table 4), one can choose the K
for a specified density of component codevectors p(x) as:
K ≈ 0.34/p(x). (4.18)
At such K and S, p ((z)) ≈ p (x). Therefore the number K of permutive connection bundles in Figure 6 can
be fixed, and their sequential activation is not needed. So each neuron of Fout may be considered as
connected to an average of K randomly chosen neurons of Fin1 by inhibitory connections. More precise
values of K (obtained as exact solution of equation 4.16) for different values of p are presented in Table
Table 4. The function lnS/S and the number K of permutations of an input codevector that produces the
proper density of the thinned output codevector in the subtractive version of Context-Dependent
Thinning procedure. (K should be rounded to the nearest integer).
p |
Number S of component codevectors in the input | |||||
2 0.347 |
3 0.366 |
4 |
5 0.322 |
6 0.299 |
7 0.278 | |
0.001 |
346.2 |
365.7 |
345.9 |
321.1 |
297.7 |
277.0 |
0.005 |
69.0 |
72.7 |
68.6 |
63.6 |
58.8 |
54.6 |
0.010 |
34.3 |
36.1 |
34.0 |
31.4 |
29.0 |
26.8 |
This version of the CDT procedure has been originally proposed under the name "normalization
procedure" (Kussul, 1988; Kussul & Baidyk, 1990; Amosov et al., 1991). We have used it in the
multilevel APNN for sequence processing (Rachkovskij, 1990b; Kussul & Rachkovskij, 1991). We have
also used it for binding of sparse codes in perceptron-like classifiers (Kussul, Baidyk, Lukovich, &
1As noted by Kanerva (personal communication), all Kmax bundles could be activated in parallel, if the
weight of the k-th bundle is set to be 2-k and the common threshold of fint neurons is adjusted dynamically
so that fout has the desired density of 1s.