Fl(k, l)=w.
The resource constraint is given by
F(k, l)=c+ k +(δ + n)k + g.
Finally, the government balances its budget by financing public expendi-
tures through factor income taxation
τk(r - δ)k + τlwl =g+q, (7)
where g denotes the exogenous per capita government consumption expen-
2.2 Positive analysis
In the steady state, the macroeconomic model can be succintly written as8
Un(C,n) = (1 - τι)Fι[k, 1 - T(n)]T'(n) + k, (8a)
(1 - τk){Fk[k, 1 - T (n)] - δ} = ρ +n, (8b)
F[k,1 - T (n)] =c+(δ +n)k+g. (8c)
We assume that lump-sum transfers q adjust endogenously to maintain the
government budget in equilibrium, while g is given.
8 The dyamic properties of the model are studied in Palivos (1995). The model exhibits
saddle-point stability if the condition T'2Fll — FlT'' < 0 is satisfied.