The increase in the value of parameter " is determined by expression (13). This increase
can be seen as a hyperbolic divergence from "min, as seen in Figure 12. In expression (13), *
determines the length of the divergence (how much time it will take " to go from "min to
"max), and D determines the speed of the divergence. This smooth modification behaviour
simulates a historic memory of the environment (remembered scenario), so that the value of
" is increased only after several iterations within a certain environment.
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Figure 12. Increase of "i.
The decrease of the parameter " is determined by expression (14). This is similar to the
increase described by expression (13), only that it hyperbolically diverges from "max, as seen
in Figure 13.
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Figure 13. Decrease of "i.
In Figure 14, we can see an example of the behaviour of the parameter α, as it is
increased, decreased, or remains constant, in dependence of the perceived scenario and the internal
needs. Note that the increase is faster than the decrease, because the values of αi are closer to "max
than they are to "min.