Voting by Committees under Constraints

A section is a group of objects with the property that the decision among
their active components can be made without paying attention to the infea-
sibilities involving objects on its complement.

Definition 9 A subset of objects B Ç K is a section of Rf if for all active
components B', B"
AC (B) we have Cf (B') = Cf(B").

Remark 1 Rf is a section of Rf because Cf (A) is empty for all active
X AC (Rf) = Rf-

Given two families of subsets of objects X and У we denote by X + У
the sum of the two; namely,

X + У = {A U Y 2κ I X XandY J}.

Remark 2 B is a section of Rf if and only if, for all B' ∈ ΛC(B),

Rf = AC(B) R Cf (B,).

Lemma 1 Let B be a section of Rf and let B1 and B2 be such that
= Bi U B2, B1 ∩ B2 = 0, and Bt is a section of Rf- Then, B2 is also a
section of R
f .

Proof By definition of active component of B2, for any X, Y Rf ,

X2 ≡ X ∩ B2AC(B2)                   (1)


Y2 ≡ Y ∩ B2AC(B2).

Moreover, by definition of range complement of A2 and Y2 relative to B2,





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