The Earth's magnetic field is on the order of half a Gauss (5x10-5 T). Gauss is
unit used for small fields like the Earth's magnetic field and is 10-4 T. It is obvious
that the magnetic field generated by the dendritic currents cannot be used as
informational signal because the noise resulting from the Earth's magnetic field
will suffocate it.
Electromagnetic field in soma
From computational point of view the neuronal soma integrates the inputs from
the dendrites. The passive properties of dendrites lead to decrement of the
EPSPs and IPSPs that reach the soma. This however allows for the EPSPs and
IPSPs to summate over space and time and when a critical threshold in the soma
is reached a non-decrementing axonal spike to occur.
Fig. 13 Standard model of informational processing. Inputs from other neurons
are multiplied by the corresponding passive dendritic weights ω1-ω4, summed (Σ)
and then passed through nonlinearity.