The name is absent


dβV{xt'sz) _          1 dexp{-βVγxt'sl{z]) _ δz)

dz           exp(-∕JV1earf,sl(z))          dz               δ(z) ,

and for the other segments,

exp(-βVext,sl (z)) = H{z - Ц),                   (6.40)

j                       δ

where H(z) is the Heaviside step function. Or,

=       1     dexp(-^sl(^)) =  φ-⅜)

dz        exp(-βVjext'sl(zY dz            H(z-⅛β'     ^

For all the segments of the chains grafted to the surface at z = H and the free

polymer, the external potential due to the surface at z = 0 is

expH^1W) = H(,z-¾            (6.42)

j                       2

and eq. 6.41 applies.


1 δβtt


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