The name is absent

dispersion interactions is simply

_ Aref I J^clssoc I ^dispersion                             (ɪ g)

Obtaining the expressions for these contributions, however, is another task. This
is a substantial advantage over lattice-based theories where all the interactions are
included in the
χ interaction parameter. The incorporation of an accurate description
of the physical state and chemical nature of the fluid into a thermodynamic model is a
necessary condition to the obtention of a predictive model with physically meaningful

A particularly challenging task in the area of thermodynamic modeling is to rep-
resent interfacial and bulk properties in the same framework, and Wertheim’s TPTl,
being originally formulated for inhomogeneous fluids, is potentially applicable in both

1.3 Scope of this work

Thermodynamic modeling of polymer systems is important for both industrial
applications and fundamental research. It has two major components: bulk homoge-
neous systems and inhomogeneous systems. This dissertation is motivated towards
developing a single framework for modeling both homogeneous and inhomogeneous
polymer systems. The basis of this research work is Wertheim’s first order thermody-


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