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List of Tables

2.1  Accuracy of multi-site variable-threshold IAF mechanism....... 56

3.1  HH fiber accuracy............................. 74

3.2  HHA fiber accuracy............................ 75

3.3  HH fork accuracy, with and without branch-ortho........... 84

3.4  HHA fork accuracy............................ 84

3.5  Rall cell accuracy............................. 87

3.6  Accuracy for cell AR-l-20-04-A..................... 89

3.7  Summary of accuracy for multiple cells................. 91

3.8  Accuracy of coarsening versus POD÷EIM reduction.......... 93

3.9  Summary of accuracy for multiple cells with MIG channel model ...   93

3.10 Alpha synapse shutoff mechanism speed-up............... 96

3.11 Accuracy with alpha synapse inputs................... 96

4.1  Reduced strong-weak MIG fiber accuracy................ Ill

4.2  Reduced strong-weak MIG fork accuracy................ 120

B.l Uniform channel model and kinetics................... 143

B.2 Non-uniform channel model and kinetics................ 143

B.3 Channel model and kinetics for weakly excitable dendrites...... 144

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