interpolation points, as given in Algorithm 2 (Chaturantabut and Sorensen, 2009).
We define the reduced gating variables by
w = Pw,
substitute into the nonlinear term, and apply the matrices computed from the DEIM
to obtain
N(Uv,w) ≈ W(PτW)'1PτN(Uv,Pw).
Substituting (3.13)-(3.14) into (3.12) and (3.3), and applying (3.10), we obtain
V =Hv- (RΦ(w)e).(Zv) — RΦ(w)Ei + UτG.(Uv — Es) (3.15)
w' = (A(v) - w).∕B(v), (3.16)
where the reduced functions are
À(v) ≡ PtA(Uv) , B(v) ≡ PτB(Uv), and Φ(w) ≡ PτΦ(Pw)