Algorithm 3 : Branch-Ortho
Input: A set of snapshots S
Output: Optimal set of routes 7Z and set of “orthogonalized” snapshots S
1: for j = 1 to L do
2: Let n = 1, pn≡ the index of leaf j
3: Pn+ι ≡ index of parent of branch pn
4: while (pn+ι ∣j{~11 AND (pτι+ι is not the soma) do
5: Increment n
6; pn+ι ≡ index of parent of branch pn
7: end while
8: Route Rj = {pι,... ,pn}
9: end for
10: Optimal set of routes is 72. = Uj=ι Rj
11: for j = 1 to L do
12: = 5
13: Bj = {indices of compartments that DO NOT belong to route j}
14: Set values of elements Bj of each snapshot in Tj to their rest values
15. end for
16: “Orthogonalized” set is <S = Uj=ι
To keep the final snapshot set small while retaining the salient dynamics, we
implement a snapshot elimination algorithm. A snapshot is “active” if its deviation
from rest
exceeds a preset threshold. The deviation can be similarly defined for the snapshots
of the nonlinear term. This process, called V-Slim, is detailed in Algorithm 4.