Chapter 5
mixture. But if it is greater than 80%, titrator shows system error “check electrode".
In titer calibration, titer is 5.45 mg∕ml using mixture with toluene volume fraction
75%; while titer is 11.88 mg∕ml using mixture with toluene volume fraction 80%.
The titer value is 5.45 mg∕ml using pure methanol. Using mixture with toluene
volume fraction 75% as solvent can get the same titer as using pure methanol; but
using mixture with toluene volume fraction 80% can’t get the same titer. This
indicates toluene-methanol mixture with toluene volume fraction 75% is the
appropriate solvent for the titration of diluted bitumen.
Table 5.3 Solubility test and titer calibration using toluene-methanol mixture
Toluene ratio |
50 |
60 |
70 |
75 |
80 |
90 |
100 |
Soluble |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Titer (mg∕ml) |
I |
I |
I |
5.45 |
11.88 |
Error |
Error | K-F titration calibration of water content in diluted bitumen
Table 5.4 shows water content in diluted bitumen (after centrifugation, dilution
ratio 0.7) with different water amount via K-F titration using toluene-methanol
mixture with toluene volume fraction 75%. Residual water content in diluted
bitumen after centrifugation is 0.26 w.% measured by K-F titration. The total water
content in diluted bitumen is the combination of added water amount plus residual
water content in diluted bitumen after centrifugation.
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