Appendix C
Appendix C. Karl-Fischer (K-F) titration procedure
Referto Instruction Manual of K-F 701 Titrino, 1988.
C.1. Titer calibration
1. Add K-F reagent to the bottle on exchange unit. Connect the exchange unit
and titration vessel via hose. Make sure the whole titration system is sealed
except the connection to atmosphere through drying tube.
2. Turn on the power switch on the back of titrator. Press “Mode” key to select
“Titer with H2O or std.”. Add 25 ml solvent to the titration vessel. Turn on the
electromagnetic stirring.
3. Press “Start” key. The green indicator lamp “cond.” on the titrator flashes. This
means the titration cell is wet and being dried (conditioned). Wait until this
lamp lights continuously which means the cell is dry and ready for titration.
4. Inject 25 μg pure de-ionized water into the titration vessel. Press “Start” key,
enter the “smpl size” 25 μg. Press “Start” key again, titration starts.
5. When reached end point, the titrator stops automatically. The screen will show
“KFR volume” and “Titer”. Write down the titer for future titration measurement.
C.2. K-F titration for sample
1. Repeat step 1 in section 2.1.
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