The name is absent


1             T f

Mxy(2τ^T) = -M^xp(--~-)


This procedure allows increasing the diffusion time while reducing the effect

of extended relaxation which will reduce the SNR. Eq. 3.8 can also be used to

calculated spin echo signal attenuation for stimulated spin-echo PGSE sequence.

3.3.2. Drop size determination from PGSE measurement

Eq. [3.9] is limited to bulk fluids. But in many cases, the fluids are confined in

small geometries such as pores or droplets and cannot diffuse freely, which is

referred as restricted diffusion. In these cases, Murday and Cotts [15] developed

the equation for the PGSE sequence. For restricted diffusion within a sphere of

radius a, the attenuation ratio Rsp is:

Rsb = exp<-2χ2g27  7 7       ,

sp pl z s ^a2m(a2ma2-2)[a2mD



Here Ψ = 2 + e~a2-D(&~S) - 2e~a^ - 2e~a-

+ e-a^lD(Δ+δ)


am is the mth positive root of the equation:

ota ∙ Jr5z2(Qa)-Z372 (ota) = 0    [3.14]

Jk is the Bessel function of the first kind, order k.

If Δ » a2∕2D, Δ » δ, Eq. [3.8] can be simplified as1:

Rsp = exp(-y2g2δ2a2 /5)


Figure 3.4 shows the predicted attenuation of emulsified water droplets with
different drop diameters from 5 to 50 μm. Here the diffusion time Δ is 500 ms,


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