P[X >t∖X >ti,Y = ti]
P[Y>t∖Y>ti,X = ti]
I-Cv [l-⅜),l-⅜i)
1-Cυ [1 - 5(ti),l - R(ti)
1 -Cu
I - ⅜),ι - A(⅛i)] ’
where Cυ(a. b) = and Cv(a, b) = dc^'v^, evaluated at the point (u,v) =
(α, b). и and v represent uniform variates within the range of 0 and 1.
Zheng and Klein (1994) also conduct Monte Carlo simulation studies, which show
that the self-consistent estimators S(t) and R(t) are reasonably robust to model mis-
specification. Zheng and Klein (1994),s method is used in this research. See Section
3.3.2 for details.