The name is absent


conditional posterior distribution. That is, from the posterior distribution for
the linear regression:


υij -ri= x[βj +         = ∂)μjg + ⅛ for i = 1,... ,n,


with response Pi = υij - ri. The residuals are eɪ,... en ~ N(0, σ2) and the prior
is the multivariate normal distribution resulting from the product of (2.10)
and the prior distribution of
jι,   , μjβ) when marginalizing with respect to

φ. The latter is a multivariate normal distribution of dimension G with mean
zero and covariance matrix
σ2μIo + 1g1g⅛> where Ig is the identity matrix of
G and lɑ is the column vector of length G with all entries equal to

(b) For each i = 1,... ,n, we sample r⅛ from the complete conditional posterior dis-
tribution, or, equivalently, from the posterior distribution for a linear regression
with response
y*j* = υij - (χTβj + μt,wij),

y*j* = ri + ej, for; = 1,...,7,

with eɪ,... Ej ~ ΛΓ(O, σ∣) and prior ri ~ ΛΓ(O, σ2).

(c) We update βj with a random walk Metropolis-Hasting transition probability. We
β ~ N(βj,c2) where c > 0 and compute the posterior distribution of
βj (marginalizing with respect to w):

p(βj I μ, r, p, z) ex fβj(∕37) n”=1 ι⅛.,σ2 (‰ι,j∙ - ri - ∑°=1 Pjgμja)
~ ^χTβj,σl (θzij,j ~ri~ Σg=lPjgμjg,)

where Φμσ2 (ɪ) represents the normal cdf with mean μ and variance σ2 evaluated
x. Let A = p(β μ,r,p, z)∕p(∕¾ μ,r, p,z). With probability min{l,Λ} we
βj by β.

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