The name is absent

The Testimony of Kasina Nquku

Kasina Nguku was arrested earlier in 1954 for taking the Mau Mau oath.86
Nguku was returning from Mukuyuni in Kilungu when he and another individual
were captured and forced to take the oath by three individuals. He states, “There
was an arch made of stick. We stood one behind the other...We were given
something to hold in our hands near our stomachs. After that we were beaten so
severely that we could not refuse to take the oath.”87 In his account, only three
individuals were recognizable; it was the three accused (he pointed them out in
the court). “There were many other people present at this oath-taking ceremony.
I cannot say how many because it was dark.”88 Nguku affirmed that Mutisya
administered the oath while Kandu and Mwo conducted the beating. The oathing
activity was not reported immediately because Nguku became ill as a result of
the beating. However, the activity was later reported to the police in Nunguni
while cleansing the oath.

In the cross examinations, Nguku claims, “I do not act as a police
informer. I cannot say in which month or the year an incident occurred...I think
the incident took place eight months ago.”89 Despite this apparent fuzziness and
ignorance, Nguku later is extremely articulate and acute on the details associated
with turning himself into the police. “I did not wait for the police to arrest me. I
86 Testimony OfKasinaNguku, Case file 127 notes, KNA MLA 1/1007-CC 127/1954. Rex vs. Harun
Waau Mutisya, Philip Nthekani Mwo, and Sounsza Kandu. P 5.

87 Testimony of Kasina Nguku, Case file 127 notes, KNA MLA 1/1007-CC 127/1954. Rex vs. Harun
Waau Mutisya, Philip Nthekani Mwo, and Sounsza Kandu. P 5.

88 Testimony of Kasina Nguku, Case file 127 notes, KNA MLA 1/1007-CC 127/1954. Rex vs. Harun
Waau Mutisya, Philip Nthekani Mwo, and Sounsza Kandu. P 7-8.

89 Testimony of Kasina Nguku, Case file 127 notes, KNA MLA 1/1007-CC 127/1954. Rex vs. Harun
Waau Mutisya, Philip Nthekani Mwo, and Sounsza Kandu. P 6.


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