3.3 Density and order parameter profiles along the axial and radial axes in a
cigar-like trap with Л = 5 for two diffemet polarizations: (a) P = 0.2 and
(b)P = 0.6...................................23
3.4 Cloud aspect ratio as functions of polarization P in cigar-like traps with (a)
Л = 5 and (b) λ = 50................... 25
3.5 Density and order parameter profiles along the axial axis in a cigar-like trap
with Л = 50 for two different polarizations: (a) P = 0.2 and (b) P = 0.7.
Same units as in Fig. 3.3. We do not show the radial density and order
parameter profiles, which look more or less like those in Fig. 3.3(a).....28
3.6 Density and order parameter profiles along the axial axis in a cigar-like
trap with Л = 50 for systems with different particle number: (a) N = 206,
(b) N = 440 and (c) N = 1083 and approximately the same polarization
P = 0.38. The particle numbers are rounded to integer. Same units as in
Fig. 3.3..................................... 29
3.7 Corresponding density profiles of the atomic cloud for N = 1083 at Л = 50 . 30
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