The name is absent

South American Independence 233
have much more influence than mere intellectual concep-
tions. It is true that the ideals of liberty and democracy
aroused the enthusiasm of the Creoles, who tried to imi-
tate the French and the American Revolutions. The
literature of the time is entirely inspired by the French
thinkers and pamphleteers of the Great Revolution, and
the constitutions framed by different congresses or assem-
blies were close imitations of the federal constitution of
the United States. So the intellectual factor is paramount
at the end of the first period, in the work of the Assem-
blies. It is not, however, a plausible explanation for the
second period, in which the political theories were put
aside, and the great struggle demanded only action,
dynamic power, and creative will.

While independence was led only by intellectuals,
disciples of Rousseau and admirers of the American Con-
stitution, we had only generous initiatives, eloquent words,
and prospects of new political institutions. But, we lacked
the feeling of solidarity in the struggle for independence,
the knowledge of reality, and above all, efficiency in action.
In brief, we lacked true leadership.

The mere romantic and intellectual agitation of the first
period failed before the well-organized army of the Peru-
vian Vice-Royalty, or before the strong reaction of the
Venezuelan loyalists. This agitation, however, was useful
because it prepared the environment and gave opportunity
for the appearance of strong personalities. But the work
to be done was far above the efforts and endeavors of the
political leaders and orators of the first period. So the
intellectual theories will explain the state of mind, the polit-
ical thought of the earlier period of the revolution, but it
cannot explain the destruction of the Spanish armies, the

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