The name is absent

The Brain and Behavior


predicting behavior. For the purposes of this presentation it
is useful to divide the material into three sections, covering
research dealing, respectively, with somatic sensory and
motor processes, with intellectual processes, and with emo-
tional processes.

Somatic Sensory and Motor Processes

Before describing the research on somatic sensory and
motor processes following Fritsch & Hitzig’s discovery, it will
be necessary to describe briefly some of the gross anatomical
characteristics of the human cerebral cortex. Four major re-
gions or lobes are usually distinguished for each cerebral
hemisphere as indicated in the accompanying diagram, al-
though the anatomical boundaries between each area are not
in all cases clearly specifiable. The frontal lobe includes that
portion of the brain anterior to the central sulcus or fissure
of Rolando and superior to the lateral fissure. The parietal
lobe extends from the central sulcus posteriorly and is

Side view of the human cerebraιl cortex

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