Werner Güth and Rupert Sausgruber, Tax Morale and Optimal Taxation, September
Luis H. R. Alvarez and Erkki Koskela, Does Risk Aversion Accelerate Optimal Forest
Rotation under Uncertainty?, September 2004
Giorgio Brunello and Maria De Paola, Market Failures and the Under-Provision of
Training, September 2004
Sanjeev Goyal, Marco van der Leij and José Luis Moraga-Gonzalez, Economics: An
Emerging Small World?, September 2004
Sandro Maffei, Nikolai Raabe and Heinrich W. Ursprung, Political Repression and
Child Labor: Theory and Empirical Evidence, September 2004
Georg Gotz and Klaus Gugler, Market Concentration and Product Variety under Spatial
Competition: Evidence from Retail Gasoline, September 2004
Jonathan Temple and Ludger Woβmann, Dualism and Cross-Country Growth
Regressions, September 2004
Ravi Kanbur, Jukka Pirttila and Matti Tuomala, Non-Welfarist Optimal Taxation and
Behavioral Public Economics, October 2004
Maarten C. W. Janssen, José Luis Moraga-Gonzalez and Matthijs R. Wildenbeest,
Consumer Search and Oligopolistic Pricing: An Empirical Investigation, October 2004
Kira Borner and Christa Hainz, The Political Economy of Corruption and the Role of
Financial Institutions, October 2004
Christoph A. Schaltegger and Lars P. Feld, Do Large Cabinets Favor Large
Governments? Evidence from Swiss Sub-Federal Jurisdictions, October 2004
Marc-Andreas Mündler, The Existence of Informationally Efficient Markets When
Individuals Are Rational, October 2004
Hendrik Jürges, Wolfram F. Richter and Kerstin Schneider, Teacher Quality and
Incentives: Theoretical and Empirical Effects of Standards on Teacher Quality, October
David S. Evans and Michael Salinger, An Empirical Analysis of Bundling and Tying:
Over-the-Counter Pain Relief and Cold Medicines, October 2004
Gershon Ben-Shakhar, Gary Bornstein, Astrid Hopfensitz and Frans van Winden,
Reciprocity and Emotions: Arousal, Self-Reports, and Expectations, October 2004
B. Zorina Khan and Kenneth L. Sokoloff, Institutions and Technological Innovation
During Early Economic Growth: Evidence from the Great Inventors of the United
States, 1790 - 1930, October 2004