Insecure Property Rights and Growth: The Roles of Appropriation Costs, Wealth Effects, and Heterogeneity

∂U(c,A)/∂A which follows from A = y + γz. Note that the wealth-adjusted modified golden
rule is not about the steady-state holdings of capital as such, rather it is about the ‘holdings’
of capital/consumption ratio. It is in fact a no-arbitrage condition.

The no-arbitrage condition (7) involves only the private asset with return r. It is reasonable to
conjecture that an analogous no-arbitrage condition must hold for the common property asset.
Furthermore, because
γ is the weight given to the common property asset and κ is the cost of
extracting it, it is intuitively clear that this second condition will depend on the parameters
and κ. To derive it, let us assume that all agents, except agent i, use the appropriation rate
xj (t) = βz(t), where β is a non-negative number. The private return on the common property
asset for agent
i is then obviously given by RR = R — (n — 1) β. Since consumption of the resource

is not possible without prior extraction, the marginal utility of consumption from the common
property asset is given by [
∂U(c, A)/∂c] — κ = u' (q) — κ. Finally, the marginal utility of an
additional unit of the common property resource must be [
∂U(c,A)/∂z] = γ [∂U(c, A)/∂A] =
γw(q). In analogy to equation (7), the no-arbitrage condition for the common property asset

should therefore read as

r+ γw( q)
u' ( q) — κ

= ρ.


The formal derivation of this condition follows exactly the same logic as that of equation (6) or
(7). Suppose that the consumption/wealth ratio is constant and equal to
q. The cost of reducing
appropriation and consumption at time
t by an infinitesimally small amount dx is [u'(q) — κ]dx.
The gain from doing so is that the common property asset holdings at time
t increase by dx.
This implies that there are
eR(τ-t)dx additional units of the public asset available at time τ ≥ t.
The additional discounted utility that can be derived from these additional asset holdings is
given by
γw(q)dx/(ρ — Rl). Equation (8) therefore says that, at q = q, the marginal cost of a
reduction of appropriation equals its marginal gain.

Let us denote the marginal utility of consumption at q = t by t, that is, κ = u'(q). Furthermore,
provided that
κ < t, let us define the number β by

βR—ρ +( ρr )γκ
n — 1           κt — κ


Using (6) and Rt = R — (n — 1)β it is easy to see that β = βt is the only value of β that satisfies
the second no-arbitrage condition (8). We are now ready to state the main result of the present

Theorem 1 Let κ<κt be given and assume that the condition
is satisfied. The strategy profile
(φ12,...,φn) defined by φic(y,z)=qt(yi+γz) and φix(y, z) = βtz
forms a symmetric Markov-perfect Nash equilibrium.

(ρ — r)γκt
κt — κ

> ρ — R +(n — 1)γq


Before we present the proof of the theorem, it will be useful to derive the following auxiliary

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