Centre for Longitudinal Studies

Compute key40(12)=11.

Compute key40(16)=21.

Compute keypreg(1)=1.

Compute keypreg(2)=2.

Compute keypreg(3)=4.

Compute keypreg(4)=5.

End if.

Do if (nserial='289141M' or nserial='382004V' or nserial='421030K' or nserial='529009V' or

Compute changed=2.

Compute key40(1)=1.

Compute key40(2)=2.

Compute keypreg(1)=1.

End if.

Do if (nserial='515085K').

Compute changed=2.

Compute key40(1)=1.

Compute key40(6)=7.

Compute key40(7)=6.

Compute keypreg(1)=1.

Compute keypreg(2)=2.

End if.

Do if (nserial='581068J').

Compute changed=2.

Compute key40(1)=1.

Compute key40(6)=6.

Compute key40(11)=11.

Compute key40(16)=16.

Compute key40(21)=21.

Compute keypreg(1)=1.

Compute keypreg(2)=2.

Compute keypreg(3)=3.

Compute keypreg(4)=4.

Compute keypreg(5)=5.

End if.

Do if (nserial='591050U').

Compute changed=2.

Compute key40(1)=1.

Compute key40(2)=6.

Compute key40(6)=11.

Compute key40(11)=16.

Compute keypreg(1)=1.

Compute keypreg(2)=3.

Compute keypreg(3)=4.

End if.

Do if (nserial='620037K').

Compute changed=2.

Compute key40(1)=1.

Compute key40(6)=6.

Compute key40(11)=11.

Compute key40(12)=16.

Compute keypreg(1)=1.

Compute keypreg(2)=2.

Compute keypreg(3)=3.

End if.

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