an evaluation concept for university internationalization has to take into account
the institutional learning environment such learning methods, organizational rou-
tines, communication processes between students and faculty, and organizational
culture. Internationalization is only a mosaic piece, however an important one, in
the whole environment of individual learning. An assessment of the impact of
internationalization on the individual’s learning outcome has to illuminate the uni-
versity-based part of this environment.
One final remark concerning rankings of universities: successful university interna-
tionalization needs a high degree of interaction between domestic and foreign in-
dividuals. The institutionalized exchange of ideas, values, knowledge, and methods
between different individuals supports their reflection and learning. Such exchang-
es of intellectual property between researchers and to a lesser extent between stu-
dents require the creation of trusting and collaborative relationships between indi-
viduals. Organizational cultures of universities could either support or impede the
establishment of cooperation or collaboration between researchers. An important
part of organizational culture is the evaluation system of researchers and the uni-
versity or research institution itself. Evaluation based on quantitative, output relat-
ed indicators and their rankings often creates a highly competitive atmosphere
between researchers which is counterproductive for communication, sharing
knowledge and learning in a university context.
4.3. A system theoretical approach
The consideration of a university as a complex and open system of elements and
relationships which depend on each other could be used as an overall guideline
and basis for evaluation. Core elements of the university system are students, lec-
turers/researchers and administration. Every element is organically linked in the
university’s system of organization, organizational culture, routines and activities,
which then leads to a system network of interrelationships among its elements. A
university is an open system insofar as it exists in mutual relationship with its envi-