Industry-Level Emission Trading in the EU
Table A.1: |
Sets |
i |
Sectors and goods |
j |
Aliased with i |
r |
Regions |
s |
Aliased with r |
EG |
Energy goods except for crude oil: coal, refined oil, gas and electricity |
FF |
Primary fossil fuels: coal, crude oil and gas |
LQ |
Liquid fuels: refined oil and gas |
d |
Demand categories: Y = intermediate, C = household, G = government, and I = investment |
Table A.2: |
Activity variables |
Yir |
Production in sector i and region r |
Eir |
Aggregate energy input in sector i and region r |
Mir |
Aggregate imports of good i and region r |
Adir |
Armington aggregate for demand category d of good i in region r |
Ir |
Aggregate investment in region r |
Gr |
Aggregate public output in region r |
Cr |
Aggregate household consumption in region r |
ECr |
Aggregate household energy consumption in region r |