Abel et al., 74
accrual accounting, 60, 62, 63, 65, 70,
evaluation of, 69
Afonso, 121, 145
ageing population, 59
Alberola et al., 101, 103, 104, 109
Alesina and Ardagna, 145
Alesina and Bayoumi, 142
Alesina and Perotti, 62, 129
AMECO database, 106, 175
ARIMA model, 187
Auerbach and Kotlikoff, 69
Auerbach et al., 63, 70
consolidation packages, 113
federal structure of government, 109
fiscal policy in, 109
automatic stabilisers, 99, 131, 200
revenue intake, 136
undermining of, 101
Bai, 135
Bai et al., 135
Balassone and Francese, 57, 102, 103
Balassone and Franco, 81, 163
Balassone et al., 113, 163, 164, 168,
Ballabriga, 41
Ballabriga and Martinez-Mongay, 18,
19, 34, 35
Banca d’Italia, 169
Banco de Portugal, 170
Barrell and Hurst, 200, 202, 203
Barrell et al., 192, 199, 201
Barro, 129
Baxter and King, 127, 185
Bayesian Vector Autoregressive
(BVAR) methodology, 41
output gap estimates, 189
Bilbiie et al., 128
Blanchard, 126, 200
Blanchard and Perotti, 120, 128, 129,
130, 131, 148, 153, 160, 192, 201
Blanchard and Quah, 120, 129, 153
Bohn, 18, 19, 20, 21, 34, 35
Boije, 100, 117
Boije and Fischer, 117
Bouthevillain and Quinet, 129
Bouthevillain et al., 147
Braconier and Forsfalt, 104, 116
Brandner and Diebalek, 100
Brandner et al., 104
Bruneau and De Bandt, 129, 132
Brunila and Martinez-Mongay, 17
Brunila et al., 200
budget balance, 61
adjustment for demand shocks, 202
asymmetric cyclical behaviour, 112
automatic stabiliser component, 99
core balance, 100
cyclical component of, 104
cyclically adjusted, 99, 115, 159
decomposing of, 105, 115
levels of, 23
structural, 11, 104
budget deficit, 17, 21, 192, 196, 197
cyclically adjusted, 185, 186
impacts of output, 200
relation to output gap, 198
uncertainty bounds, 204
uncertainty of cyclical adjustment,
192, 198
budget elasticities
time variation of, 147
budget measures
the information provision role of, 62
Buiter and Grafe, 18
business cycle shock, 130
Buti et al., 17, 18, 101, 164, 166, 172,
173, 174, 175, 177
Butterworth filters, 186
Canova, 186
Canova and Pappa, 128
Canzoneri et al., 18, 21
cash-accrual differences, 178
Cavallo, 128
Chouraqui et al., 126