Income taxation when markets are incomplete
instrument vector be tI = t1. Adding the government budget constraints to
F, we obtain a new system of equations which we denote by F : Ξ × Ψ →
Rn, with n = n' + 5 and Ξ = Ξ' × TI ⊂ Rn'+s. Thus F = 0 represents the
complete system of first-order conditions of the E - tI .
We endow the space of functions Y × U with the C2 compact-open
(weak) topology. For simplicity, let Y × U denote the topological space
Y × U, C2 (Y) × C2 (U). We also assume that the space of endowments has
the usual (Euclidean) topology.
We are now ready to establish local existence ofan interior equilibrium.
Theorem 2 (Local existence and regularity ofan E - tI, tI = 0). Consider
an economy E (ω) with fixed (uh, fj)h,j. Further, let Assumptions 1, 2 hold
and H ≤ S — J .If t1 = 0, there exists a set of economies Ψ * ⊂ Ψ, open
and of full measure, such that, for every ψ ∈ Ψ *, there exists a (locally
isolated) E — tI equilibrium with the following properties:
(i) the equilibrium is regular;
(ii) W has full rank;
(iii) θjh = 0 for all h, j;
(iv) the following matrix has full rank H:
^ λ1 (z1 - y 1 /H) ∙∙∙ λS (zS - ys/H)
NZ = : :
vλH (zH - y 1 /H) ∙∙∙ λs (Zs - ys/H)
where z = x — e, ys = ∑j∈ j2 yS.
Proof. Generic existence and regularity of E — tI at t I = 0 substantially
follow from Theorem 2 in Geanakoplos et al. (1990). Generic properties (i)
through (iii) are standard23,24 while (iv) coincides with the property in item
3 of Lemma 1 of Citanna et al. (2001) in a pure exchange GEI (J1 = 0). To
23 Geanakoplos et al. (1986, 1989, 1990) point out that there are two sources of non-
differentiability of security demand functions (θjh ) which follow from the no-short sales
assumption. The first occurs whenever θjh = 0, ρjh = 0 (i.e., the constraint is binding, but
this has “no cost” for the consumer). Yet, one can show that such a case in not generic in the
endowments. The most problematic source of non-differentiability occurs when θjh = 0 for
some (h, j) and rank(W)<J. However, assuming that (H + J) ≤ N, they show that: (i)
there exists a generic set of economies for which equilibria are of full rank; (ii) in restricting
attention to such economies, typically equilibria are such that the no-short sale constraints
do not bind. The latter implies that θjh ≥ 0 for all h and all j ∈ J2 .
24 To show regularity we can endow the parameter space, Ψ, with the usual topology: let
O ⊂ RN(H+J) × RH+ J represent the class of (non-empty and) open subsets of RN(H+J) ×
RHJ ; a subset Ψ ⊂ Ψ is open if and only if Φ = O ∩ Ψ for some O ∈ O.