Density Estimation and Combination under Model Ambiguity




dFbn -

1 [ c- - g
2 7x g

dFbn = KcI11


2 K112,


where KI11 is a stochastic element that will affect the asymptotic distribution of KI, while KI12 is roughly
the sum of squared bias and variance of
fcn . It is O((nh)-1 + h4) and it will contribute to the asymptotic
mean of


2) KI2 has a different nature: it represents the part of the KI that is affected by the parameters estimation.
KI2 can be rewritten in the following way:


(ln fbθ

ln fθ* )dF- + ( (ln fθ.

- ln g(x))dFbn =KcI21+KcI22.


Although in this case, the first term KI21 is stochastic, it will not affect the asymptotic distribution of
KI. In fact, since it is O
p (ɪ) when rescaled by the appropriate convergence rate dn = nh1/2 it converges to

dn KI21 -→p 0.                                      (20)

The second term KI22 has the following behavior:


KFI22 -→ Eg [ln fθ. - ln g(x)] = (-KI(g, fθ )) ≤ 0,                      (21)

as such its presence is due to the approximation error. It is important to note that KI22 varies with the
underlying candidate model and it can not be observed. This implies that a term of the K
cI’s asymptotic
mean will depend on the specific model M
j , then in order to determine and estimate a limiting distribution
that is the same for all candidate models the following assumption is needed:

A6: KI22 ` αh1'2KI12.                                   (22)

A6 requires that the mean of the approximation error is proportional to a quantity KcI 12 whose estimation
depends only on
fcn, consequently it will not be influenced by any specific model fj (bθ, x). Further, when
к n-β with β 5, KI12 ~ C(nh) 1, then we obtain that:

d-KI22 ` d-αh1'2KI 12 -→ αC = Eg [ln fθ. - ln g(x)],                   (23)

where C is a known positive constant. Thus collecting all terms together:


KI ` KI11 - 2KI12 - [KI21 + KI22) ,                         (24)

we have the next theorem:

THEOREM 3: Given assumptions A1-A6, and given that nh5 -→ 0 as n -→ ∞, then



KI + 2 KI12 + KI22

-→d N(02)

15In order to see this, it is just sufficient to rewrite KII12 as R

^fn-Ec+Efn-g^ d_Fn.


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