• Political information (family III): people over 14 who are informed about Italian
politics (source: ASRL, table 57.02.11). This indicator favors the conversion of
• Difficulty (family III): difficulty to reach police stations, year 1998 (source: Istat,
Indicatori regionali per la valutazione delle politiche di sviluppo, table V.04). It is
unfavorable to Volunteers.
• Elderly (family I): population over 65 years, year 2000 (source: Istat, Demo:
popolazione e statistiche demografiche41). The older the population, the more
difficult is interaction: thus this indicator is not favorable to the conversion of
• Social deterioration (family III): percentage of people over 14 perceiving social
deterioration (source: ASRL, table 57.06.03). It hampers the conversion of
Table II.1 - Conversion factors for Volunteers
Favorable Non favorable
Friends Difficulty
Health conditions Elderly
Political information Social deterioration
The “converted contribution” of Volunteers to SI is then:
Volunteers * Friends * Health conditions * Political information / Difficulty /
Social deterioration
This commodity is the same as in PPH (section 3.1). The indicator chosen concerns the
percentage of people feeling safe, year 1998 (source: elaboration from percentage of people over
14 feeling unsafe, ASRL, table 57.06.02). Security is a determinant of well-being, for it increases
the livability of a community.
The conversion factors of Security are, once again, the same as in PPH: Defense, Difficulty,
Social deterioration (see table 4).
The “converted contribution” of Security to the functioning SI is then:
Security * Defense / Difficulty / Social deterioration (II.B)
Cultural and Recreational Expenses
It is the same indicator employed for ET (Annnex I), translated by the same conversion
The “converted contribution” of Cultural and Recreational Expenses to the functioning SI is:
Cultural and Recreational Expenses * Books * Family with PC * Non repeating
students / Social deterioration (II.C)
Annex III - Simulations for Education and Training
At initial time (t = 0) the functioning Education and Training has the values reported in the
following table.
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