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Estudos do G.E.M.F.

(Available on-line at

2005-08 Politico-Economic Causes of Labor Regulation in the United States: Alliances and Raising
Rivals’ Costs (and Sometimes Lowering One’s Own)

- John T. Addison

2005-07 Firm Growth and Liquidity Constraints: A Dynamic Analysis

- Blandina Oliveira & Adelino Fortunato

2005-06 The Effect of Works Councils on Employment Change

- John T. Addison & Paulino Teixeira

2005-05 Le Rôle de la Consommation Publique dans la Croissance: le cas de l'Union Européenne

- Joao Sousa Andrade, Maria Adelaide Silva Duarte & Claude Berthomieu

2005-04 The Dynamics of the Growth of Firms: Evidence from the Services Sector

- Blandina Oliveira & Adelino Fortunato

2005-03 The Determinants of Firm Performance: Unions, Works Councils, and Employee
Involvement/High Performance Work Practices
- John T. Addison

2005-02 Has the Stability and Growth Pact stabilised? Evidence from a panel of 12 European
countries and some implications for the reform of the Pact
- Carlos Fonseca Marinheiro

2005-01 Sustainability of Portuguese Fiscal Policy in Historical Perspective

- Carlos Fonseca Marinheiro

2004-03 Human capital, mechanisms of technological diffusion and the role of technological shocks
in the speed of diffusion. Evidence from a panel of Mediterranean countries
- Maria Adelaide Duarte & Marta Simoes

2004-02 What Have We Learned About The Employment Effects of Severance Pay? Further
Iterations of Lazear et al.

- John T. Addison & Paulino Teixeira

2004-01 How the Gold Standard Functioned in Portugal: an analysis of some macroeconomic aspects
- Antonio Portugal Duarte & Joao Sousa Andrade

2003-07 Testing Gibrat’s Law: Empirical Evidence from a Panel of Portuguese Manufacturing Firms

- Blandina Oliveira & Adelino Fortunato

2003-06 Régimes Monétaires et Théorie Quantitative du Produit Nominal au Portugal (1854-1998)

- Joao Sousa Andrade

2003-05 Causas do Atraso na Estabilizaçâo da Inflaçâo: Abordagem Teorica e Empfrica

- Vftor Castro

2003-04 The Effects of Households’ and Firms’ Borrowing Constraints on Economic Growth

- Maria da Conceiçao Costa Pereira

2003-03 Second Order Filter Distribution Approximations for Financial Time Series with Extreme

- J. Q. Smith & Antonio A. F. Santos

2003-02 Output Smoothing in EMU and OECD: Can We Forego Government Contribution? A risk
sharing approach

- Carlos Fonseca Marinheiro

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