size of the newly created red interval (which has the size < 1/bN/K c).10
Analogically it can be shown that G wins when R creates a red interval
on the group of circles for which dN/Ke key positions are assigned.11 This
completes the proof. ■
Some footnotes used in the proof of the above theorem suggest that
although G, the second mover can win the game, R may be able to make the
difference between their scores arbitrarily small. In the following theorem
we show that the winning strategy Y * for the second mover, with a slight
modification and called Y0 , can be used by the first mover R to achieve this
independent of the strategy used by G.
A strategy X is a virtually tying strategy for player p if X is not a
winning strategy and for any ε > 0, if player p uses X , then no matter what
player q does, player p can guarantee that Sq - Sp < ε.
Theorem 7 Let hN, {Cj}jK=1i define a game on the family of disjoint circles
with N > K ≥ 2 and assume that players face a very strict resource mobility
constraint so that they are allowed to place exactly one point at a time. Then
there is a virtually tying strategy for G.
Proof. Consider strategy Y* as defined before with option (c) replaced
by option (c’) (this modified strategy will be called Y0).
Y 0: Modification of Y * for player R
(c’) place a point in a maximal bichromatic interval at distance ε from
its green endpoint
10 Notice that the advantage of G may be arbitrarily small and depends on how big the
red interval is.
11Analogical remark on the G’s advantage applies here.