Creating a 2000 IES-LFS Database in Stata

PROVIDE Project Technical Paper 2005:1

February 2005

List of Figures

Figure 1: Comparing LFS 2000:2 and IES 2000 average wages and employment figures ....12

Figure 2: Comparing patterns of expenditure from IES 2000 and SUT 2000 ........................19

Figure 3: Comparing patterns of expenditure from IES 2000, SUT 2000 and SARB 2000...20

Figure 4: Relative income sources by income deciles ............................................................24

Figure 5: Food budget share by expenditure deciles using adult equivalent scales................24

Figure 6: Average tax rates by expenditure deciles ................................................................27

Figure 7: Savings rate by expenditure deciles.........................................................................27

Figure 8: Do-file structure of ................................................................................29

Figure 9: Do-file structure of ..............................................................................30

Figure 10: Distribution of the difference between income and expenditure (variable diff)....54

Figure 11: Distribution of the relative income and expenditure difference (variable diffp) ...55

Figure 12: Do-file structure of .......................................................................57

Figure 13: Total value of transfer payments and receipts by income decile...........................67

Figure 14: Transfer payments and receipts as a percentage of total income ..........................68

List of Tables

Table 1: Percentage differences (employment and wages).....................................................13

Table 2: Cross-tabulation of employment data.......................................................................14

Table 3: Cross-tabulating gender, location and race...............................................................16

Table 4: Comparing patterns of expenditure from IES 2000, SUT 2000 and SARB 2000 ....19

Table 5: Comparing IES 2000 and SARB 2000 income and expenditure patterns ................21

Table 6: Tax rates reported in IES 2000 (R millions).............................................................25

Table 7: Occupation codes (variable factors) .........................................................................35

Table 8: Uncoded, miscoded and true missing values in IES 2000 .......................................40

Table 9: Four error types in housing section (monthly instalment on bond)..........................42

Table 10: Forming deciles using income and expenditure......................................................56

Table 11: Commodity accounts and other expenditure categories .........................................66

Table 12: Adjusted transfers data extracted from IES 2000 ...................................................69

Table 13: Inter-household transfers sub-matrix......................................................................70

Table 14: Final inter-household transfers matrix....................................................................70


© PROVIDE Project

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