Stata Technical Bulletin
addstat (.text, # [, text, #, ... ] ) specifies user-added statistics to be displayed in new lines below the R-squared (if shown).
The user must specify both a name and a value for the statistic. Users can report significance levels of test statistics as a
second statistic to be shown on the line below the first statistic.
adec(numlist^) specifies the number of decimal places reported for user-added statistics (in addstat). The default value for
rdec is the value for tdec. The minimum value is 0, and the maximum is 11. If one number is specified in numlist, it will
apply to all statistics. If multiple numbers are specified in numlist, they are applied to the user-added statistics as in bdec.
eform specifies that the exponential form of coefficients be reported. This corresponds to the or option for logit, clogit, and
glogit estimation, irr for poisson estimation, rrr for mlogit, hr for cox hazard models, and eform for xtgee, but
it can be used to exponentiate the coefficients after any estimation; see Methods and Formulas in [R] maximize.
marginal specifies that the marginal effects rather than the coefficient estimates are reported. This is done automatically after
onecol specifies that multi-equation models (for example, mlogit, reg3) be formatted in one column rather than the default
of multiple columns, one column per equation. It also reports extra statistics included in the e (b) vector.
xstats specifies that the extra statistics included in the e(b) matrix be reported. Extra statistics for multi-equation models (for
example, heckman, heckprob, and biprobit) are not reported; a user can use addstat or onecol. If there are no extra
statistics in the e(b) matrix, xstats is ignored. This option is largely superseded by addstat.
Other options
comma specifies that the ASCII file output be separated by commas rather than by tabs. This can cause problems if any of the
user-defined text has commas in it (such as variable labels, title, ctitle, addstat, or addnote).
append specifies that new estimation output be appended to an existing output file. In general, the same outreg options should
be used in the original regression output and each appended regression. The notes at the bottom of the table explaining the
t statistics or standard errors and asterisks are correct for the first estimation in the output file. If subsequently appended
estimation results use different options (such as a switch to noaster, or changes the estimation’s robust option), the notes
will not be appropriate for all the columns. This problem can be addressed with a combination of nonotes and addnote.
replace specifies that it is okay to replace filename if it already exists.
We begin by using Stata’s automobile data.
. generate weight2=weight'^2
. regress mpg weight weight2 foreign
Source I |
SS |
df MS |
Number of obs = 74 F( 3, 70) = 52.25 | |
— | ||||
Model I |
1689.15372 |
3 563.05124 |
Prob > F = 0.0000 | |
Residual ∣ |
754.30574 |
70 10.7757963 |
R-squared = 0.6913 Adj R-squared = 0.6781 | |
— | ||||
Total I |
2443.45946 |
73 33.4720474 |
Root MSE = 3.2827 | |
— ≡pg I |
Coef. |
Std. Err. t |
p>∣t∣ |
— [957. Conf. Interval] |
— | ||||
weight I |
-.0165729 |
.0039692 -4.175 |
0.000 |
-.0244892 -.0086567 |
weight2 I |
1.59e-06 |
6.25e-07 2.546 |
0.013 |
3.45e-07 2.84e-06 |
foreign I |
-2.2035 |
1.059246 -2.080 |
0.041 |
-4.3161 -.0909003 |
_cons I |
56.53884 |
6.197383 9.123 |
0.000 |
44.17855 68.89913 |
. outreg using outregl
. ’more outregl.out
Mileage (mpg)
Weight (lbs.) -0.017
weight2 0.000
Car type -2.204
Constant 56.539
Observations 74
R-squared 0.69
Absolute value of t-statistics in parentheses
* significant at 5%; ** significant at 1%