July 1992
A publication to promote communication among Stata users
Editor Joseph Hilbe Stata Technical Bulletin Scottsdale, Arizona 85259-4464 |
Associate Editors J. Theodore Anagnoson, Cal. State Univ., LA Lawrence C. Hamilton, Univ. of New Hampshire |
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The Stata Technical Bulletin (ISSN 1097-8879) is published six times per year by Stata Corporation. Stata is a registered
trademark of Stata Corporation.
Contents of this issue |
page |
an1.1. STB categories and insert codes (Reprint) |
2 |
an20. Stata U.K. distributor |
2 |
an21. Stata for the Apple Macintosh |
2 |
an22. Stata for the IBM RS/6000 workstation |
3 |
crc13. Short describes, finding variables, and codebooks |
3 |
crc14. Pairwise correlation coefficients |
5 |
crc15. Parse bug |
7 |
crc16. Encapsulated PostScript driver |
7 |
os5. Running Stata under OS/2 2.0 |
7 |
os6. Importing and exporting text files with Stata |
8 |
sed7.1. Resistant nonlinear smoothing using Stata |
9 |
sg1.3. Nonlinear regression command, bug fix |
12 |
sg7. Centile estimation command |
12 |
sg8. Probability weighting |
15 |
smv5.1. Loglinear analysis of cross classifications, update |
18 |
sqv4. Calculation of the deviance goodness-of-fit statistic after logistic |
18 |
ssi3. Continuous dynamic system modeling and simulation with Stata |
19 |