Public-private sector pay differentials in a devolved Scotland

Public-PRIVATE Pay Differentials


standard practice.6 Maximum likelihood of the bivariate probit leads to four sample
selection correction terms
P = Puv. Again, φ and Φ are the univariate standard normal density and
distribution functions respectively, and
F the bivariate standard normal distribution
function. Equations (5) to (8) collapse to the usual univariate Heckman expressions
Puv = 0.

λ i,pi

= Φ( Zγ)Φ

Bμ - PZ'iγ
.(1 - P 2)1/2 ,

× F ( Bμ, z'â, ρ ) 1

λ i,s 1

=Φ( B',μ^)φ

Ziγ - PBiμ
.(1 - P 2)1/2 .

× F ( Biμ^, Z,iγ, P )


λi , p 2

= Φ( ziγ)Φ

Biμ - pZ'â
(1 - P 2)1/2.

×F(B',μ, Z'iγ-P) 1





= -φ( B'1μι)Φ

Z'iγ'- PB]μ
.(1 - P 2)1/2.

× F(-B '1μ, ZY-P) 1


Now, the wage equations (1) and (2) can be re-written as


E(ln w1,i | Xi,Pi = 1,Si = 1) = X1,iβ1 +σ11P1uλi, p1 +σ11P1vλi,s1              (9)

E(ln w2,i | Xi ,Pi = 1,Si = 0) = X2,iβ2 +σ22P2uλi, p2 +σ22P2vλi,s2         (10)
where the correction terms are according to (5) to (8).

6 Since the covariance of ε1 and ε2 is not identifiable in this model, the covariance matrix has
been split into two matrices (see Co et al. 1999 for details; see Koop and Poirier 1997 for a
discussion on these identification issues).

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