state variable in this economy, the price set by firms in the previous period (P1,t = P0,t-1).
Define the normalized money supply as
mt = Mt/P1,t ,
and the normalized price set by adjusting firms in the current period as
p0,t = P0,t/P1,t .
We can then express all variables of interest as functions of these two normalized variables.
From (4), the normalized price level is a function of only p0,t :
Pt „(п ʌ
=g = g(p0,t),
1 1 r1 1 —ε . 1-1 ι^-
g(po,t) ≡ [2p0,t +2]1-ε ∙
Aggregate demand is a function of both p0,t and mt :
ct = c(p0,t,mt) ≡
g(po,t) ∙
This follows from the money demand equation:
Mt = Mt Pι,t = mt
Pt Pι,t Pt g(po,t) ∙
Further, since nt = [1no,t + 2nι,t] = [2co,t + 2cι,t], we can use the individual demands
together to show that total labor input is also pinned down by p0,t and mt :
nt = n(po,t, mt) ≡ 1 ∙ c(po,t, mt) ∙ [g (po,t)]ε ∙ (pd + l´ ∙
Leisure is the difference between the time endowment and labor input. Marginal cost is
∂ u(ct,lt)∕∂lt
ψ = wt = a u(e,l,)/ae = χct = ψ(m*' p°j)-
Another variable of interest is the gross inflation rate, Pt+1 /Pt ∙ It is determined by current
and future p0 :
Pt+1 g(p0,t+1)
— = π(p0f,p0f+1) ≡ ^pɪp0,t. <15)
This follows directly from writing the inflation rate as a a ratio of normalized variables:
Pt+1 = Pt+1/P0,t P0,t = g(P0,t+1)
Pt = Pt∕Pι,t ∙ Pι,t = g(po,t) p0,t∙
In a steady state, there is thus a simple relationship between inflation and the relative
price, π = p0 .