Aliki Mouriki
Does this mean that a breakaway from the universal and tax-financed welfare model is unavoidable,
as many scholars suggest?
Perhaps the answer lies in a drastic reallocation of government spending from other policy areas,
as well as a more efficient use of available resources, including the several EU funds. 79 The participa-
tion of the private sector in financing some of the measures required (e.g. investing in the training
of their personnel and providing family friendly policies to working parents) should also be seriously
considered. Finally, adopting a long term perspective rather than a short-termist approach would help
both governments and companies assess the future benefits to be reaped from today’s spending, in
terms of greater economic efficiency and social cohesion.
79 For example, the European Social Fund, the European Regional Development Fund, the European Globalisation
Adjustment Fund, etc.
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