The name is absent

Appendix A: Search strategies


#7    MeSH descriptor Mass Screening, this term only in MeSH products

#8    MeSH descriptor Physical Examination, this term only in MeSH products

#9 MeSH descriptor Medical History Taking, this term only in MeSH products

#10   MeSH descriptor Referral and Consultation, this term only in MeSH products

#11   MeSH descriptor Remote Consultation, this term only in MeSH products

#12 MeSH descriptor Needs Assessment, this term only in MeSH products

#13 MeSH descriptor School Nursing, this term only in MeSH products

#14 health NEAR consultation in Record Title or health NEAR consultation in
Abstract in all products

#15 computer* NEAR screening in Record Title or computer* NEAR screening in
Abstract in all products

#16 computer* NEAR assessment in Record Title or computer* NEAR
assessment in Abstract in all products

#17 health NEXT assessment* in Record Title or health NEXT assessment* in
Abstract in all products

#18 self NEXT assessment* in Record Title or self NEXT assessment* in Abstract
in all products

#19 health NEXT planning in Record Title or health NEXT planning in Abstract in
all products

#20 health NEXT literacy in Record Title or health NEXT literacy in Abstract in all

#21 Health NEXT (trainer* OR adviser* OR advisor*) in Record Title or Health
NEXT (trainer* OR adviser* OR advisor*) in Abstract in all products

#22 (tailor* OR personalis* or personalize*) AND (advice or support or guidance
or counsel* or mediat*) in Record Title or (tailor* OR personalis* or
personalize*) AND (advice or support or guidance or counsel* or mediat*) in
Abstract in all products

#23 "Health check*" in Record Title or "Health check*" in Abstract in all products

#24 "life check*" in Record Title or "life check*" in Abstract in all products

#25   Health mot in Record Title or Health mot in Abstract in all products

#26  (#1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11

OR #12 OR #13)

#27  (#14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22)

#28   (#23 OR #24 OR #25)

#29   (#26 OR #27)

#30   MeSH descriptor Self Concept explode all trees in MeSH products

#31   MeSH descriptor Personal Satisfaction explode all trees in MeSH products

#32 MeSH descriptor Happiness, this term only in MeSH products

#33 MeSH descriptor Drive, this term only in MeSH products

#34   MeSH descriptor Aspirations (Psychology), this term only in MeSH products

#35   MeSH descriptor Personality Development, this term only in MeSH products

#36 resilien* in Record Title or resilien* in Abstract in all products

#37 wellbeing OR well-being in Record Title or wellbeing OR well-being in
Abstract in all products

#38 self-worth in Record Title or self-worth in Abstract in all products

#39 wellness in Record Title or wellness in Abstract in all products

A scoping review of the evidence relevant to life checks for young people aged 9 to 14 years


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