Appendix A: Search strategies
#40 (#30 OR #31 OR #32 OR #33 OR #34 OR #35)
#41 (#36 OR #37 OR #38 OR #39)
#42 (#40 OR #41)
#43 MeSH descriptor Orientation, this term only in MeSH products
#44 MeSH descriptor Social Adjustment explode all trees in MeSH products
#45 MeSH descriptor Adolescent Development, this term only in MeSH products
#46 MeSH descriptor Life Change Events, this term only in MeSH products
#47 school* NEAR transition* in Record Title or school* NEAR transition* in
Abstract in all products
#48 (#43 OR #44 OR #45 OR #46)
#49 (#47 OR #48)
#50 MeSH descriptor Health Promotion explode all trees in MeSH products
#51 MeSH descriptor Life Style, this term only in MeSH products
#52 MeSH descriptor Health Education, this term only in MeSH products
#53 MeSH descriptor Public Health, this term only in MeSH products
#54 MeSH descriptor Preventive Medicine, this term only in MeSH products
#55 MeSH descriptor Preventive Health Services, this term only in MeSH products
#56 MeSH descriptor Adolescent Health Services, this term only in MeSH
#57 MeSH descriptor Health Behavior, this term only in MeSH products
#58 MeSH descriptor Public Health Nursing, this term only in MeSH products
#59 health near promot* in Record Title or health near promot* in Abstract in all
#60 (#50 OR #51 OR #52 OR #53 OR #54 OR #55 OR #56 OR #57 OR #58)
#61 (#59 OR #60)
#62 MeSH descriptor Adolescent, this term only in MeSH products
#63 MeSH descriptor Child, this term only in MeSH products
#64 adolescen* or pupil* or youth or teen* or teenage* in Record Title or
adolescen* or pupil* or youth or teen* or teenage* in Abstract in all products
#65 (#62 OR #63 OR #64)
#66 <nothing>, from 1995 to 2006 in all products
#67 (#29 AND #42 AND #65 AND #66)
#68 (#29 AND #49 AND #65 AND #66)
#69 (#29 AND #61 AND #65 AND #66)
#70 (#28 AND #65 AND #66
#72 (#67 OR #68 OR #69 OR #70)
C2-SPECTR (the trials register of the Campbell Collaboration) (Reference Web
[school nurs] or [health assessment] or [health planning] or [health advi] or [health consult] or
[health check] or [school transition] or [resilien] or [self-worth] or [adolescent development] or
[personality development] or [aspiration]
A scoping review of the evidence relevant to life checks for young people aged 9 to 14 years