Appendix A: Search strategies
#40 (#30 OR #31 OR #32 OR #33 OR #34 OR #35)
#41 (#36 OR #37 OR #38 OR #39)
#42 (#40 OR #41)
#43 MeSH descriptor Orientation, this term only in MeSH products
#44 MeSH descriptor Social Adjustment explode all trees in MeSH products
#45 MeSH descriptor Adolescent Development, this term only in MeSH products
#46 MeSH descriptor Life Change Events, this term only in MeSH products
#47 school* NEAR transition* in Record Title or school* NEAR transition* in
Abstract in all products
#48 (#43 OR #44 OR #45 OR #46)
#49 (#47 OR #48)
#50 MeSH descriptor Health Promotion explode all trees in MeSH products
#51 MeSH descriptor Life Style, this term only in MeSH products
#52 MeSH descriptor Health Education, this term only in MeSH products
#53 MeSH descriptor Public Health, this term only in MeSH products
#54 MeSH descriptor Preventive Medicine, this term only in MeSH products
#55 MeSH descriptor Preventive Health Services, this term only in MeSH products
#56 MeSH descriptor Adolescent Health Services, this term only in MeSH
#57 MeSH descriptor Health Behavior, this term only in MeSH products
#58 MeSH descriptor Public Health Nursing, this term only in MeSH products
#59 health near promot* in Record Title or health near promot* in Abstract in all
#60 (#50 OR #51 OR #52 OR #53 OR #54 OR #55 OR #56 OR #57 OR #58)
#61 (#59 OR #60)
#62 MeSH descriptor Adolescent, this term only in MeSH products
#63 MeSH descriptor Child, this term only in MeSH products
#64 adolescen* or pupil* or youth or teen* or teenage* in Record Title or
adolescen* or pupil* or youth or teen* or teenage* in Abstract in all products
#65 (#62 OR #63 OR #64)
#66 <nothing>, from 1995 to 2006 in all products
#67 (#29 AND #42 AND #65 AND #66)
#68 (#29 AND #49 AND #65 AND #66)
#69 (#29 AND #61 AND #65 AND #66)
#70 (#28 AND #65 AND #66
#72 (#67 OR #68 OR #69 OR #70)
C2-SPECTR (the trials register of the Campbell Collaboration) (Reference Web
[school nurs] or [health assessment] or [health planning] or [health advi] or [health consult] or
[health check] or [school transition] or [resilien] or [self-worth] or [adolescent development] or
[personality development] or [aspiration]
A scoping review of the evidence relevant to life checks for young people aged 9 to 14 years
More intriguing information
1. The name is absent2. The name is absent
3. Education as a Moral Concept
4. WP 36 - Women's Preferences or Delineated Policies? The development or part-time work in the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom
5. The name is absent
6. Modeling industrial location decisions in U.S. counties
8. Are Public Investment Efficient in Creating Capital Stocks in Developing Countries?
9. The name is absent
10. Moffett and rhetoric