20 Interventions for HCHHHU: technical report
All non-indexed fields {{high risk family} or {problem family} or {troubled family} or {disadvantaged family}
or {multi problem} or {abuse} or {antisocial} or {delinquency} or {dropout} or {mental health} or {misuse} or
{parent} or {employ} or {violence}} AND
All non-indexed fields {{multi agency} or {inter agency} or {multiagency} or {interagency} or {integrated
service} or {service network} or {service integration} or {service cooperate} or {service collaborate} or
{service coordinate} or {interdisciplinary} or {interprofessional} or {join up} or {service partnership} or
British Library
Words= ( high risk famil? )
Words= (problem famil? )
Words= (troubled famil? )
Words= (disadvantaged famil? )
Words= (multiple problems )
Words= ( service integration )
Words= ( integrated service? )
Words= ( interprofessional )
Words= ( interagenc? )
Words= ( inter agenc? )
Words= ( multi agenc? )
Words= ( service coordinat? )
Words= ( service cooperat? )
Words= ( joined up )
Words= ( interprofessional ) AND Words= ( employment )
Words= ( interprofessional ) AND Words= ( parent )
Words= ( interprofessional ) AND Words= ( mental health )
Words= ( interprofessional ) AND Words= ( abuse )
Words= ( interprofessional ) AND Words= ( mental health )
Words= ( interprofessional ) AND Words= ( children )
Words= ( interprofessional ) AND Words= ( family )
Words= ( integrated service? ) AND Words= ( mental health )
Words= ( integrated service? ) AND Words= ( children )
Words= ( integrated service? ) AND Words= ( family )
Words= ( integrated service? ) AND Words= ( violence )