Appendix 2.2 Coding framework
Section A: Administrative details
Use of these guidelines should be cited as: EPPI-Centre (2006) Coding framework for Extracting Data for the High Cost
High Harm Rapid Evidence Assessment. London: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education,
University of London.
A.1 Name of the reviewer
A.1.1 Details
A.2 Date of the review
A.2.1 Details
A.3 Please enter the details of each paper which reports on this item/study
and which is used to complete this data extraction.
(1): A paper can be a journal article, a book, or chapter
in a book, or an unpublished report.
(2): This section can be filled in using bibliographic
citation information and keywords 1, 2, and 4 from the
EPPI-Centre Core Keywording Strategy (V0.95)
A.3.1 Paper (1)
Fill in a separate entry for further papers as required.
A.3.2 Unique Identifier:
A.3.3 Authors:
A.3.4 Title:
A.3.5 Source (Website owner):
A.3.6 Status (published or unpublished):
A.3.7 Language:
A.3.8 Identification of report:
A.3.9 Paper (2)
A.3.10 Unique Identifier:
A.3.11 Authors:
A.3.12 Title:
A.3.13 Source:
A.3.14 Status:
A.3.15 Language:
A.3.16 Identification of report: