The name is absent

Appendix 2.2 Coding framework 29

C.4 Who provides the services?

Please use codes B.2.5.k or B.2.5.l to indicate whether
your answer is based on author report or your

C.4.1 Criminal Justice System staff (Probation officer,
Court Welfare Officer,Prison staff etc.)

C.4.2 Community /outreach worker

C.4.3 Counsellor/therapist

C.4.4 Social worker

C.4.5 Teacher/ Education support staff

C.4.6 Psychologist

C.4.7 Residential Care worker

C.4.8 Health care worker

C.4.9 Psychiatrist

C.4.10 Family support workers

C.4.11 Management/administrator

C.4.12 Employment advisor/case worker

C.4.13 Other (please specify)

C.4.14 Unspecified/ not clear

C.4.15 Coding is based on: Authors’ description

C.4.16 Coding is based on: Reviewers’ inference

C.5 In which country or countries was the study carried out?

Provide further details where relevant
e.g. region or city

C.5.1 Explicitly stated (please specify)

C.5.2 Implicit (please specify)

C.5.3 Not stated/unclear (please specify)

C.6 Please describe in more detail of what specific services are provided and how they work.

The description should include

C.6.1 Details

A) How were families identified by the service providers
as HCHHHU i.e. as potential beneficiaries of the
integrated service provision (i.e. how those that provide
the services decide that these particular families needed
these services). This may include self- referral but if
families are referred by other agencies or identified
by the service provider(s) want to know on what basis
or how diagnosis of need was made. Please note if this
information is not given

B) What entry ‘entry criteria’ exist for the services

Please describe in full. Please note if none or if not
given state not given

C) How were service recipients ‘recruited’ to and
‘maintained’ in service

i.e. How were families ‘persuaded’ to participate in
service and to continue participating in service . This
may include incentives, sanctions, compulsion, through
mechanisms such as pro-active contact on the part of
service staff, use of techniques such as participant
involvement in management organization of services ,
peer support etc. Please give as much detail as possible

D) Where were services located

Please give exact location of services ( i.e. country and

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