The name is absent

Appendix 2.2 Coding framework 35

F.4 If comparisons are being made between two or more groups, please specify the basis of any
divisions made for making these comparisons.

Please give further details where possible.

F.4.1 Not applicable (not more than one group)

F.4.2 Prospective allocation into more than one group
(e.g. allocation to different interventions, or
allocation to intervention and control groups)

F.4.3 No prospective allocation but use of pre-existing
differences to create comparison groups (e.g.
receiving different interventions, or characterised
by different levels of a variable such as social

F.4.4 Other (please specify)

F.4.5 Not stated/unclear (please specify)

F.5 How do the groups differ?

F.5.1 Not applicable (not more than one group)

F.5.2 Explicitly stated (please specify)

F.5.3 Implicit (please specify)

F.5.4 Not stated/unclear (please specify)

F.6 Number of groups

For instance, in studies in which comparisons are made
between groups, this may be the number of groups into
which the dataset is divided for analysis (e.g. social
class, or form size), or the number of groups allocated
to, or receiving, an intervention.

F.6.1 Not applicable (not more than one group)

F.6.2 One

F.6.3 Two

F.6.4 Three

F.6.5 Four or more (please specify)

F.6.6 Other/unclear (please specify)

F.7 If prospective allocation into more than one group, what was the unit of allocation?

Please indicate all that apply and give further details
where possible.

F.7.1 Not applicable (not more than one group)

F.7.2 Not applicable (no prospective allocation)

F.7.3 Individuals

F.7.4 Groupings or clusters of individuals (details)
(e.g. classes of schools)

F.7.5 Other (e.g. individuals or groups acting as their
own controls) (please specify)

F.7.6 Not stated/unclear (please specify)

F.8 Study design summary

In addition to answering the questions in this section,
describe the study design in your own words. You may
want to draw upon and elaborate the answers you have
already given.

F.8.1 Details

Specify whether the study was a randomised controlled
trial, non-randomised trial, cohort study, one group
before-after study

You could also mention how many groups were
studied, whether it was carried out retrospectively or
prospectively, whether it was a cluster randomised trial,
or any other detail the study mentions about it’s design

N.B. This questions will be used in the tabular analysis

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