The name is absent

36 Interventions for HCHHHU: technical report

F.9 Planned sample size

If more than one group, please give details for each
group separately. F.9.1 Not applicable (please specify)

F.9.2 Explicitly stated (please specify)

F.9.3 Not stated/unclear (please specify)

F.10 Which methods are used to recruit people into the study?

e.g. letters of invitation, telephone contact, face-to-
face contact.

F.10.1 Not applicable (please specify)

F.10.2 Explicitly stated (please specify)

F.10.3 Implicit (please specify)

F.10.4 Not stated/unclear (please specify)

F.11 Was consent sought?

Please comment on the quality of consent if relevant

F.11.1 Not applicable (please specify)

F.11.2 Participant consent sought

F.11.3 Parental consent sought

F.11.4 Other consent sought

F.11.5 Consent not sought

F.11.6 Not stated/unclear (please specify)

F.12 Details of data collection methods or tool(s).

Please provide details including names for all tools used
to collect data, and examples of any questions/items
given. Also, please state whether source is cited in the

F.12.1 Explicitly stated (please specify)

F.12.2 Implicit (please specify)

F.12.3 Not stated/unclear (please specify)

F.13 Do the authors describe any ways they addressed the reliability of their
data collection tools/methods?

e.g. test - re-test methods

(Where more than one tool was employed, please
provide details for each.)

F.13.1 Details

E.g. Did they look at inter-rater reliability? Or re-test a
sample of results to see if they got the same answers?

F.14 Do the authors describe any ways they have addressed the validity of their data collection

e.g. mention previous validation of tools, published
version of tools, involvement of target population in
development of tools.

(Where more than one tool was employed, please
provide details for each.)

F.14.1 Details

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