The name is absent

Dillane et al. (2001)

• Criminal Justice System

• Criminal justice (prison,

Evaluation of the Dundee

staff (probation officer,

community sentence,
probation, ASBO, youth

Families Project

court welfare officer,
prison staff etc.)


• CommunityZoutreach

• Counselling (non-

Dundee Families Project

• Social worker

• TeacherZeducation
support staff

• Health care worker

• Family support workers

• Support with service
and resource access
(including benefits)

• Specific education

• Parent training

• PersonaizsocialZfamily

• Health services (not
psychologyZ counselling)

• Assessment

• Other (please specify)
The Project offers both
individual and family
support and counselling
and group activities.
Croup activities include:
after school clubs anger
management groups and
tenancy workshops.

"Overall, the research data showed that the Project has been very successful in terms of
its image, collaborative relationships and production of change in families...

"The case record analysis, the in depth survey of 20 families and stakeholder feedback
indicated that the great majority of families who engaged with the Project made

"The evidence about the comparative success of the three main service types offered by
the Project (core, dispersed, outreach) was inconclusive, partly because numbers were
small, especially of core and dispersed cases. A few respondents in the study identified
individual components of the Project’s programme as being particularly useful (e.g.
couple counselling, tenancy workshops). The majority, though, stated that the whole
package was most important, rather than any particular ingredient. They believed that
the crucial attribute of the Project was the availability of a range of methods, allowing
for both multiple intervention and adapting method choice to the needs of individual
families. In their views, another key asset was the intensity...

"Since the Project was established, the number of evictions in Dundee has dropped
markedly. While this is has been much influenced by changes in housing department
policy and the introduction of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders, some stakeholders believed
that the presence of the Project contributed to the downward trend.”

(p 116-8)

50 Interventions for HCHHHU: technical report

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