Structural Breakpoints in Volatility in International Markets

z sJ '

d J



d J-1


sJ = (sJ,1,sJ,2,...,sJ,n/2J)'

dJ = (dJ,1,dJ,2,...,dJ,n/2J)'
dJ-1 =   (dJ-1,1,dJ-1,2,...,dJ-1,n/2J-1)'

d1 =        (d1,1,d1,2,...,d1,n/2 )'

Each of the sets of coefficients sj, d.d1 is called a crystal.

Expression (2) can be rewritten as

f(t) Sj(t)+Dj(t)+Dj-1(t)+...+D1(t)                                           (6)


SJ(t) = sJ,kφJ,k(t)                                                            (7a)


DJ(t)=dj,kψJ,k(t)                                                       (7b)


are denominated the smooth signal and the detail signals, respectively.

The terms in expression (6) represent a decomposition of the signal into orthogonal
signal components S
(t), D(t), D 1(t), ...,D1(t) at different scales. These terms are
components of the signal at different resolutions. That is why the approximation in (6) is
called a multi-resolution decomposition (MRD).

III   Data and Estimation Results

3.1   Description of the Data

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