Results from our baseline specification of leisure time are presented in Table 2
separately by country, gender, and type of day for the common set of explanatory variables.8
Looking first at the peripheral variables, we find marriage is associated with less leisure time
in the US, though the effect is only statistically significant for men on non-work days. Point
estimates suggest a positive association between marriage and leisure time in Denmark,
except for Danish women on work days. These cross-country differences may reflect cross-
country differences in the legal and social status accorded married as compared to cohabiting
persons. Students experience significantly less leisure in both countries. More education
reduces leisure time in both countries, significantly so in the US. Except for Danes on work
days, people tend to report leisure time falling with age, but at a decreasing rate. These
results indicate that leisure time reaches a minimum around age 38 for women in the US, age
41-42 for men in the US, and closer to age 50 for Danes. Individuals with children in both
countries obtain less leisure time, with younger children having a larger effect, particularly on
non-work days. In households with children age 0-2 the effect is substantial. Individuals with
such young children report between 30 and 50 minutes less leisure time on work days and
between 60 and 90 minutes less leisure time on non-work days. Other adults do not have
much effect on reported leisure time, nor does the unemployment rate. Seasonal effects differ
by country. And finally, over thirty more minutes of leisure are typically enjoyed on
weekends and holidays by all persons, even on work days. Overall, except where geography
or social institutions suggest differences, the determinants of leisure time are quite similar
between countries.
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