Appendix Table 53: Shift-Share Analysis For Aboriginal Canadians in 2001, Labour Market Outcomes Indicators
Share of Population in 2001 ʌ, , Non- Aboriginal ., . . , π 1 A ,u Aboriginal Population (A) population (B) |
Unemployment Rate* in 2001 ʌ, , Non- Aboriginal ., . . , ŋ 1 A ∙ /СЧ Aboriginal Population (C) population (D) |
Participation Rate in 2001 ʌ, , Non- Aboriginal ., . . , ŋ 1 A ∏n Aboriginal Population (E) population (F) |
Employment rate in 2001 ʌ, , Non- Aboriginal ., ... ŋ 1 A /r-ʌ Aboriginal Population (G) population (H) |
Income in 2001** ($2001) ʌ, , Non- Aboriginal ., ... ŋ , A m Aboriginal Population (I) population (J) | ||||||
Less than Grade 5 |
3.72 |
2.13 |
21.8 |
9.6 |
21.3 |
23.3 |
16.1 |
20.4 |
3,417 |
4,808 |
Grades 5 to 8 |
11.24 |
7.54 |
24.5 |
9.5 |
33.4 |
28.3 |
24 |
24.8 |
5,418 |
5,752 |
Grades 9 to 13 |
32.87 |
21.22 |
22.8 |
8.7 |
50.2 |
52.8 |
37.2 |
47.4 |
8,129 |
10,879 |
Secondary - high school graduation certificate |
9.45 |
14.22 |
11.2 |
5.4 |
72.3 |
69.2 |
62.4 |
64.7 |
15,248 |
17,598 |
Trades certificate or diploma |
3.92 |
3.49 |
17.1 |
5.4 |
76.0 |
69.2 |
60 |
64.6 |
17,225 |
21,384 |
College: With trades certificate or diploma |
7.56 |
6.65 |
14.7 |
5.2 |
82.0 |
78.8 |
68.6 |
73.7 |
20,816 |
24,079 |
College: With college certificate or diploma |
9.22 |
12.20 |
11.1 |
4.4 |
82.5 |
79.7 |
71.4 |
75.5 |
20,250 |
24,985 |
University: With university or college certificate or diploma |
4.38 |
6.02 |
11.6 |
5.1 |
79.9 |
78.0 |
69.1 |
73.4 |
19,679 |
25,229 |
University: With bachelor or first professional degree |
3.43 |
10.81 |
5.8 |
3.9 |
85.4 |
82.3 |
78.3 |
78.3 |
28,012 |
33,830 |
University: With certificate or diploma above bachelor level |
0.46 |
1.63 |
8.8 |
3.3 |
76.0 |
79.3 |
69.3 |
76.1 |
30,910 |
33,932 |
University: With master’s degree[s] |
0.57 |
2.73 |
6.5 |
3.9 |
83.9 |
81.8 |
77.4 |
78.1 |
36,106 |
40,644 |
University: With earned doctorate |
0.07 |
0.56 |
0.0 |
3.2 |
58.3 |
81.0 |
58.3 |
77.9 |
31,055 |
45,982 |
College: Without trades or college certificate or diploma |
8.75 |
6.40 |
17.3 |
7.1 |
69.7 |
72.5 |
55.8 |
66.4 |
12,975 |
17,278 |
University: Without certificate, diploma or degree |
4.33 |
4.40 |
17.9 |
8.5 |
75.0 |
75.2 |
59.2 |
67.4 |
13,082 |
17,769 |
Total |
100 |
100 |
18.0 |
6.3 |
61.3 |
66.6 |
49.5 |
61.8 |
12,866 |
19,727 |
B * C |
B * E |
B * G |
B * I | |||||||
Total given non-Aboriginal educational attainment |
- |
- |
15.2 |
- |
67.7 |
- |
56.7 |
- |
16,113 |
- |
% of the 2001 gap explained by educational attainment |
- |
- |
23.9 |
- |
122.0 |
- |
57.9 |
- |
47.3 |
- |
A* D |
A* F |
A* H |
A* J | |||||||
Total given non-Aboriginal labour market outcome |
- |
- |
7.2 |
- |
60.7 |
- |
55.8 |
- |
16,002 |
- |
% of the 2001 gap explained by differences in labour market out |
- |
92.7 |
- |
-11.7 |
- |
51.0 |
- |
45.7 |
- |
* The total for unemployment does not match the total given on Appendix Table 12 because the shares used here are those for the working age population rather than those for the labour force participants population, the latter
being the one used for calculating unemployment rates. This analysis remains relevant as an indication of how much of the gapo can be explained by educational attainment.
**Refers to average income of working population including persons without employment income
Source: Calculated from the 2001 census microdata files.
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